Solomon Kane
- SOLOMON KANE - A computer painting based on a black and white drawing that I did for "Dragon" magazine.
I started this painting by "clipping" the rider from a "Dragon" magazine black and white drawing I did some years ago, and "pasted'' it on a blank form. I then used my computer mouse as a paint brush to make some changes to the ride by adding a few details and a bit of color. I then used my computer color palette to paint the moody foreground and background. It appears only in my Art Folio, "The Stephen E. Fabian Collection, No.14: The Weird Works of Robert E. Howard."
Note: The image of Solomon Kane astride his horse also appears in picture No.198, Solomon Kane's Homecoming.
My computer allows me to do something unique with my old artwork; I can take a section from one picture, and combine it with sections from another, change colors, sizes, play with the composition and create a whole new painting. Sometimes, when I am done, none of the original art remains. My old paintings and drawings are now my new canvases and my computer is my brush and tubes of paint.

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